Cray Wanderers 100 Club Draw Result for October

Hi Members of the 100 Club.

The October Draw took place during half time of the FA Trophy match, Cray Wanderers v Chesham FC. (which Cray won 5-3 on penalties, the game having ended at 3 each after 90 minutes.

At that game was a guy many of you will remember as a powerful Cray striker in the 90’s, Tunde Utsaja. and he was kind enough to agree to make the Draw for us.

Herewith are the results of Tunde’s efforts in withdrawing the winning numbered balls from the Tombola.

1st Prize of £150, is won by the holder of number 51. Long time Cray supporter, Mr. Martin Wetherall, who resides in Bromley, Kent.

2nd Prize of £100, goes to, Mr David Beadle the holder of number 74. David is a resident of Orpington, Kent.

3rd Prize of £50 was won by well known, Cray’s match day Tannoy Announcer, and also club Committe Member, John McArthur. He is the holder of number 15 and lives in East London. 

On learning of his win, he immediately donated it back to Cray Wanderers FC. On behalf of CWFC,  thank you John.

Members, Christmas is near and no doubt some of you are wondering what gifts to buy for family and friends. Well, how about a Membership of our 100 Club?

The more Members we have the bigger the Prizes can get.

Kind Regards,



Life President,

100 Club Administrator.